NES 2019

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Future Work:

Digitalisation and Innovation


In 2019 we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES). The NES 2019 Conference invites you to investigate and discuss future work from an ergonomics and work environment perspective. And the thing is: Future work is already here!

The shaping of future work will be heavily influenced by digitalisation, organisational innovation and national and international regulation. Digitalisation and new ways of working are mega trends having tremendous impacts on work, the labour market, and policymaking. Jobs disappear due to automation in manufacturing and service industries. Other jobs are transformed to include quite new tasks and interaction or even collaboration with machines and computers. The entire work organisation is affected displacing work tasks among employees and across the organisation. How does human factors and ergonomics (HFE) meet these challenges? What can HFE contribute to promote a human-centred development of future work?

The NES 2019 Conference will address the many questions in a setting that connects research and practice. We welcome contributions from researchers as well as practitioners such as ergonomists, occupational health and safety specialists and managers, labour inspection professionals, and professionals in occupational health services.
We welcome participants from all over the world to celebrate the anniversary and to discuss the Nordic way of human factors and ergonomics science and practice. We look forward to be inspired by your work and approaches.

Contribution types:
Scientific papers, practitioners case studies and workshops on a specific topic.

Technical session:
Presentation of 4-5 scientific papers and practitioners case studies.

Special session:
A pre-organized series of presentations within a specific topic.

Hands-on, demonstration of tools and methods, investigation of a specific topic in a discussion format.

Hotel Marienlyst, Elsinore - close to Hamlet’s Kronborg and the Cultural Harbour of Elsinore.
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Rikke Seim
Chair of Organising Committee
Associate Professor PhD
Technical University of Denmark
IDA Arbejdsmiljø

Ole Broberg
Chair of Scientific Committee
Associate Professor PhD
Technical University of Denmark


If you need any further information regarding the conferencece, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Animation showing contrast in work places