Dr. Neumann is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Ryerson University in Toronto, where he directs the Human Factors Engineering Lab. He is a Design Scientist and Certified Professional Ergonomist (Eur. Erg.). His research work focuses on issues of organisational design and management (ODAM) as they affect system stakeholders and system performance.
Digitalization, Industry 4.0, Co-bots, Internet of things… many new trends promise to “revolutionise” or “disrupt” work in the future. What are the implications of these trends? This talk will examine some of the current issues around human factors and future workplaces, by examining existing research conducted on the impacts of innovation on people. Cases of technological and organisational changes can provide insights into how the mistakes, and gains, of past innovations can inform us in our attempts to create better workplaces in the future. Achieving this will mean thinking about tools and methods to support the application of human factors in workplace innovation projects.
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